Welcome to Pregnancy: The Ultimate Adventure for New Parents

Congratulations, you're going to be a new mummy or daddy! Buckle up, because you're about to embark on the most exciting, mysterious, and yes, sometimes the most bewildering journey of your life - pregnancy. It's the one trip where you can't exactly pack a suitcase, but there are numerous must-haves that you'll want to have on hand. Before we start, remember, each pregnancy is as unique as the child it produces. So, just like your little one will eventually choose their favorite teddy (over the designer toy you picked), cherry-pick the advice that works for you. So, let's dive into the basics, shall we?

3 min read

Folic Acid: Your Baby's First Superhero

Did you know, even before you start sporting a baby bump, you're already protecting your baby? That's where folic acid comes in - think of it as the first superhero in your baby's life. This mighty B vitamin plays a crucial role in preventing neural tube defects in the early stages of pregnancy. It's recommended to take 400mcg of folic acid daily from the time you start trying to conceive until the 12th week of pregnancy.

Best Pregnancy Vitamins: The Vital V for Victory

In a perfect world, we get all the nutrients we need from our food. Unfortunately, most of us live in a world of convenience meals and rushed lunches. Pregnancy vitamins are here to supplement your diet ensuring you and your baby get the necessary nutrients. Look for a prenatal multivitamin that, besides folic acid, also contains Vitamins D and C, iron, and calcium. And remember, our bodies - much like us at a buffet - can only take in so much at once, so avoid those '100% of everything' vitamins.

The Pregnancy Pillow: Building a Nest

If your bed is starting to feel uncomfortable, it’s time to invest in a pregnancy pillow. There are hundreds of shapes and sizes to choose from – full body, C-shaped, donut-shaped, and more. The trick is to find one that supports your bump and doesn't take up the whole bed (you've got enough kicking you out of bed on the way already!). Take a test nap or two before deciding the best fit for you. Here is the best one we found:

Comfy PJ’s: The Luxury of Lounge

The day you discover maternity pajamas is the day you'll realize that comfort has been redefined. It's like a hug that lasts all night. You’ll want something with a stretchy waistband that doesn’t squeeze your bump. Remember, your body temperature might rise during pregnancy, so breathable materials like cotton are your best pals.

Supportive Bras: Embrace the Change

Your body is changing, and it's a universal truth that with great growth (yes, we’re talking about your new, voluptuous curves) comes a great need for support. A good maternity or nursing bra can offer comfort, support and easy access for when the baby arrives and you start breastfeeding.

Raspberry Leaf Tea: A Labor of Love

As you near the end of your pregnancy, you might want to stock up on raspberry leaf tea. Often recommended by midwives, it's believed to help tone the muscles of your womb so they work more efficiently when you're in labor. It won’t, however, help with toning your pre-baby abs – sorry!

Pregnancy Bump Oil: Protect Your Canvas

Think of your belly as a masterpiece in progress. It stretches, it glows, and occasionally, it itches. Using a good pregnancy bump oil can help ease the itch, hydrate your skin, and may even help prevent stretch marks.

Perineal Oil: Prepping for D-Day

Perineal oil can be a great addition to your regimen as you prepare for childbirth. Massaging the perineum - the area between your vagina and anus - with oil can increase its elasticity, aiding in a smoother delivery. Consider it a warm-up for one of the most athletic things your body will do

Nursing Pads: Because Leaky Faucets aren't Fun

Finally, let’s get this straight: there's nothing like a 'little' leakage to dampen your day (literally). Breast pads, also known as nursing pads, are your defense against leaky boobs, and trust me, they will leak at the most inconvenient times.

In conclusion, to all the soon-to-be mums and dads out there, remember, pregnancy is like a roller coaster ride - there are ups and downs, and occasionally, you may feel a bit queasy. But when it's done, you'll want to do it all over again. So sit back, sip on that raspberry leaf tea, and enjoy the journey because after all, you're growing a whole new human being in there! Now that's what I call a superpower!