Embracing Sleepless Nights: A Journey of Motherhood

2 min read

baby in bassinet
baby in bassinet

Sleepless nights? Oh, believe me, I'm no stranger to them! As a mum to a toddler, our nights often blur into a co-sleeping routine. I've tried everything - amber necklaces, night lights, blackout blinds, toys, no toys, sleep sacks, duvets, weighted duvets, plugins...you name it!

Now, we're trying magnesium and Natures Aid Mini Drops. We're on night four, and if this doesn't work, Novomins is next on the list. But don't get me wrong, as much as I grumble, there's a silver lining to these sleepless nights.

My favourite part of the day is when I'm woken up by the love of my life showering me with kisses and demanding breakfast - "Mummy, I want nom nom!" It's a moment so precious, I find myself wishing for it to last forever. Why are we in such a hurry to raise independent sleepers, when these shared nights are so fleeting?

However, managing these sleepless nights requires a dose of patience and a sprinkle of self-care. It's essential to make sure you come first to yourself as no one likes a grumpy mum nor do they need one . Remember, it's okay to ask for help. Enlist your partner, a family member, or a friend to watch over your child while you recharge. Don't forget to maintain a consistent bedtime routine for your toddler, as it can signal to them that it's time to sleep. Lastly, make sure your sleep environment is as comfortable as possible for both of you. A cozy bed, a quiet room, and a comfortable temperature can make a world of difference. And most importantly, remind yourself that this phase won't last forever. One day, you'll miss these special, quiet moments in the middle of the night.

Motherhood, for me, is about embracing these sleepless nights, not just raising a little soldier who can sleep independently. I'm caught in a paradox - longing for a full night's sleep, yet cherishing the midnight snuggles, the stinky breath, and the tiny feet kicking my face.

So, here I am, wanting the best of both worlds. To wake up refreshed, yet spend the night next to my little one. Is that too much to ask? Perhaps. But such is the beautifully complex journey of motherhood!